Thursday, July 14, 2011


For the past 3 years my family has made a trip to the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming.  Me, my dad, my brother and his kids, my aunt and my cousin all made the two day drive into the wilderness this past June.  Spending three days in the back country with dried packaged camp food, relatives, flies, and sunburn can really make you appreciate the mundane things in life such as a toilette.  However, through all the emotional pain and suffering, I cherish these trips spent with my dad and family.  Since the age of 8 years old I've endured and enjoyed these two week vacations and believe I have learned about life and my self by doing so.  Not only have these trips taught me about myself and have given me the appreciation for nature but they have also been my inspiration to become a photographer.  Here are some of the photographs from Wyoming Trip 2011.