Thursday, May 9, 2013


So yeah.... I guess I slacked a little with the blogging towards the end of my trip.  Admittedly, I became overwhelmed.  So many things were happening to me, every weekend was filled with adventure, everyday was filled with a new challenge.  Therefore, yes the writing took a hit, and so did a lot of things in my life I suppose.  Did I get caught up?  I would prefer to say I caught a groove and attempted to ride it to its fullest potential.  So here are a few entries from my journal, post Switzerland.

Feels weird.  To be back that is.  I always figured living in a different country for a while would change things.  How could it not.  Your whole environment, way of life, mentality changes.  Your forced to adapt, to fit in, to function in a foreign society.  How do I get from point A to point B without looking too lost?  What is a Frank, and why does it cost two of them to go to the bathroom?  The story Heidi was actually based off a real place?  People will pay ridiculous amounts of cash to have a certain number combination on their license plates?  They actually don't drive on the left side of the road here, only in England?  And so the questions ensue and some get answered and some unravel in your mind into something more convoluted, some obscure, thought pravocing querei on the ways of life and how the world works.  But alas I am here, back in Minneapolis floating in the questions, not swimming, nor drowning. Merely gliding the surface rippling beneith me.  What happens next?  If I do not fly, I will surely drown...

Has my heart gone flat again, and is now too comfortable laying, snuggling in the warm comfort of these silver skyscrapers?  home. safe. familiar. No.