Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This kid is the next big thing in the Minnesota roller blade scene.  At the age of 18 Chemi took 2nd place in the annual RTP competition in Duluth this year, blading alongside much older pros.  He also took first at OUT.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Deb and Mike

I had the pleasure of photographing Deb and Mike's wedding the other day.  What an inspiring couple, Deb is the most optimistic and positive bride I have ever met and Mike adoration for her is obvious.  I had a blast shooting these guys and especially Mike as he got his groove on all night on the dance floor.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


For the past 3 years my family has made a trip to the Big Horn mountains of Wyoming.  Me, my dad, my brother and his kids, my aunt and my cousin all made the two day drive into the wilderness this past June.  Spending three days in the back country with dried packaged camp food, relatives, flies, and sunburn can really make you appreciate the mundane things in life such as a toilette.  However, through all the emotional pain and suffering, I cherish these trips spent with my dad and family.  Since the age of 8 years old I've endured and enjoyed these two week vacations and believe I have learned about life and my self by doing so.  Not only have these trips taught me about myself and have given me the appreciation for nature but they have also been my inspiration to become a photographer.  Here are some of the photographs from Wyoming Trip 2011.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A rainy day at The Farm

The following photos are products of another shoot I had at the farm.  It was raining off and on all day which made for wonderful lighting.  The mood at The Farm was calm and undramatic for once, these photos reflect the peacefulness that may be overlooked on a normal busy day.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wedding Post

So I photographed my aunt's wedding last summer in California.  It was the second official wedding I have ever shot and it was truly a blast.  The bride and groom are obviously made for each other and have found a deep and loving bond that is hard to find.  I am posting this now almost a year later to celebrate their found companionship and to display my favorite wedding shoot so far.

The Farrier

Here is a video portrait I did of my dad for a school assignment.  It is the first video portrait I have attempted to do and it was really fun.  Doing this project brought back a lot of memories for me as I would always accompany my dad to work almost everyday of the summer as a child.  Although I hated being assigned the task of official fly swatter, or holder of the lead rope, the memories are fond none the less.

The Farm

Just some more photos of what I have been up to at the Farm
An intern sitting on the roof of the compound with her room to her back
and the greenhouse can have quite a different aesthetic in the evening

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Farm

It started off as a trip to do some environmental portraits of the owner, as I had a friend tell me about the place and he had said the store would make for an interesting background environment for my portrait.  So I decided to pay a visit to this oasis in the boonies.  Upon arrival I realized this was not your ordinary general store.  The very friendly owner, Steven, greeted me at the door and proceed to show me around the place as I discovered to be your modern day commune.  Steven lives at the store with his young daughter and son, Hope and Isaiah.  Steven, his offspring, and a few interns reside at this place living off the land.  Steven grows all of his own produce organically in his three greenhouses.  They collect dozens of eggs a day from the chickens in the pasture, and keep the whole place warm, including water, by shoving wood in the wood burning stoves.  Along with just working to live they also host a concert or two over the weekends.  Upstairs above the general store is a concert hall where the night life takes place and things come alive.  People from all over come and pack the hall to enjoy the show and the homemade meal Steven and his comrades slave over all day making.  I particularly enjoyed Hope's stuffed mushrooms.
Here are some moments I have captured so far in my exploration.  I have decided to base my final portfolio mostly around this project so I will be uploading more photographs down the road.
upstairs concert hall
Brad, one of the interns, removing the turkey who thinks he's a chicken from the chicken coop in hopes of putting him where he belongs

Hope cleaning the eggs for the day