Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Porsche, Laughter, and New Friends

So life is turning from challenging to amazing!  Catching you up from my last post a few things have happened.  Im getting fairly comfortable in my new home, the girls make me smile.  Julie loves to sing songs and play games constantly, she makes me laugh and pushes me to be a good nanny.  Anna is also playful but in a wittier way, I am growing to love the walks I go on with them everyday to the train station, they are usually filled with singing, talking, or the alphabet in three different languages.  Monday Julie stayed home from school as her teacher was on holiday for the day or something, so we decided to walk to the farm up on the hill.  It was a cute adventure, Julie's favorite game was to follow in each others footprints that were made in the snow.  She can be quite demanding and would let me know when I wasn't playing the game right.  Being an Au Pair is the most humbling experience I've had in quite a while.  Anyways, last weekend I attempted to go out and lets just say it ended up in a disturbing experience involving a Turkish boy and being dropped off back home in Kilchberg at like 10:00 PM in his brand new Porsche and me not accomplishing anything fun.  The family and I also went to a glass museum which was semi interesting.  You got to see the employees blowing glass which was probably the coolest part for me.  Yesterday was sunny and you could see a magnificent view of the mountains.  It still baffles my mind when the clouds finally decide to give you a glimpse of the amazingly huge Alps just hiding beyond the lake, that they are always there you just can't see them.  I have been frequently going to the same coffee shop in Horgen while the girls are in English school and the locals there are starting to recognize me as the American Au Pair that nobody can understand.  There is one old lady there that has very broken English but I think she really loves talking to me.  As I also enjoy her conversations on the Dead Sea and how her and her husband have 9 great grandchildren.  .. On to the most exciting thing so far.  I made some friends!  I met a girl, Sophie, on an English Forum online and she organized a meeting for us and two other Au Pair's at a Japanese restaurant last night.  It was a blast!  All three girls are from England and around my age and all speak in magnificent British accents.  They all said that I have a way cooler accent than them, its funny how you don't realize how different you probably sound to foreigners.  In about an hour I am meeting the 3 of them at an Au Pair meeting/club in Zurich with other Au Pairs from the area.  Should be interesting.  As for plans in the future, tomorrow I start German classes, Sunday me and the English girls are taking a train to Lucern to explore the old city, next weekend we are going sledding in the Alps, and Feb 9th I start my week of vacation.  Not sure where to go yet, leaning towards buying a Europass for all of Europe and take a train to Barcelona, Spain, stopping in Paris along the way!

At the glass museum..

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love seeing your blogs, Kerri. Your adventures are so great to read about as well as what your daily life looks like. I am so happy you've met some friends!! Love to you!!
