Friday, January 11, 2013

Songs, Trains, and Grocery Shopping

Today I got to hang out with Julie the youngest. 
 I made them lunch then took Julie to Horgen for her English class.  Despite getting on the wrong train we managed to find the school two bus rides later.  Julie is such a sweet heart, she has such a peaceful voice and an innocent, yet smart demeanor.  We played games and sang songs all the while altering between English, Czech, and German.  I helped her with English and she helped me with German.  Both girls are very smart and know much more than I do about everything here, so my job so far has been to shut it and follow their lead.  After returning from English school we played a Swiss version of the Candy Land board game then it was off to shopping and dinner with the family.  Helping Bohdana in the grocery store was interesting.  In Switzerland I guess you have to buy the cart, then take your own personal scanner and scan each item as you put it in your cart, thus avoiding long check out lines.  At the end you just hand your scanner to the cashier and pay!  I am discovering they are much more efficient here than in America.  The groceries are also all about half the size, I don't think they have such things as buying in bulk here in Switzerland...  Also the parking ramps are interesting, they tell you how many spots are open as you drive by each level and there are green or red lights above each spot so you can see from afar which spaces are open.  Also cool, however it is 3.50 CHF an hour, once again Switzerland is expensive!  Well it is the weekend and the girls are having a sleepover and watching a Czech movie in their room on a projector screen.  Here are a few photos/videos of the past couple of days.  

Wildlife at lake Zurich..

This is Anna holding the giant piece of chocolate the family got me as a welcome gift!

Yes, they drink marijuana infused iced tea :]

Julie sporting a custom made Kerri Derr hat 

On our walk home from the Kilchberg train station, photo taken by Julie 

There are fountains everywhere


  1. It's so much fun to see what you are up to; I love that you are able to bring your experiences to us in this format - it's so great! Julie is adorable and seems like quite the character. Kerri, honestly... you look like you fit right in there. :) It was sweet skyping with you this morning; note to self... turn the light on! :)

  2. Bring home some of that iced tea!!
