Ok so after receiving several requests for a blog on my stay in Switzerland, (mostly just from my mom), I've decided it would be a good idea. So I guess I will start with the arrival. I have never been outside of America before so arriving in the Zurich airport after a 7 hour plane ride, jet-leg, an uncontrollable cough, and feeling ultimately exhausted, was almost an out of body experience. (I am starting to understand what it is like to just let your body take over and trust your instincts...) I remember walking through customs and just basically following the crowd not really knowing any other way to go. Somehow I made it to baggage claim and from there went to where I thought Tomas was going to meet me. However, after sitting there for a while I read an email he sent and it said to meet at a certain Starbucks somewhere in the airport. So I lug up my heavy pack full of camera gear, my carry on luggage, and my suitcase and ask someone if they spoke English. He said a little and attempted to help me find the Starbucks. Somehow I ended up wondering long enough to run into Tomas.
On Kilchberg:
The family lives in the "Beverly Hills" of Switzerland, but more like wealthy village style. It is hard to explain. Everything is really cozy and close together, the streets are small and intertwining through alleys and neighborhoods. Everything is small community based, very quaint. The girls' school is only a short walk away from their flat and everyone seems to know each other. I would feel very safe walking around Kilchberg by myself at night if I had to. There is a farm that the family walks to to get their milk. It may sound like they are country folk but very far from it.

I woke up around 9:30 not feeling as jet lagged, I had a few hours to myself before the girls came home from their first round of school for the day. My duties were to prepare them a lunch of Ikea meatballs and instant mashed potatoes, lol ok easy enough. This is when I discovered strawberry juice in their fridge, yes I said it, straight up strawberry juice, so amazingly tasty.

Anyways, the girls got home, I fed them, they did as much homework as they could then we were off to catch the train to Wallisellen, where they go to Czech school. We realized we were running very late so we had to run the entire way to the station which is about a 15 min walk and we needed to catch the train in 5. Alas we made it in time with 3 minutes to spare, (Europe is very time regulated, the trains and busses are always on time). Then after dropping the girls of at their Czech school, it was my time to explore. I remember saying goodbye to Julie and her turning around asking in her sweet voice, "do you know the way?" I said no and smiled and walked away. lol. Somehow I found my way to the station in Wallisellen and took the train to the Bahnhofstrasse, the main train station in Zurich. From there I explored on foot, walking through side streets and looking into expensive shops. I am still too nervous to actually go into any of them but we will get there lol. Zurich is a whirlwind of trains, trams, and busses and each one seems to arrive exactly when you need it to. I ended up taking a tram from the Bahnhofstrasse to another stop called Burkliplatz, and from there immediately caught a bus back to Kilchberg. I hope all of my other public transport adventures are this easy but somehow I doubt it. Oh well at least it gives me a much needed confidence boost knowing that somehow I navigated my way through Zurich and back to Kilchberg without getting lost or dying. :]
Some pictures of Zurich and the train ride..

WONDERFUL!!It is so beautiful there-you will have a fantastic experience! The girls are adorable-what are their names?
ReplyDeleteThanks Kerri! This will help me so much in my quest to live vicariously through you! ;) I am very impressed how you just get out there and explore on your own; the pictures and videos are great! It was fun meeting Anna & Julie this morning; they are precious!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your experience!!
Love you!!