Thursday, January 17, 2013

Getting Settled

  Things are starting to get easier, I am getting into my groove here.  I am learning the transport system, its actually a lot easier than you would think, just have to use your common sense and you can pretty much get yourself anywhere in Switzerland fairly easily.  I've been trying to explore more and more of Zurich everyday and have checked out three different German language schools.  I think I will hopefully be starting classes on the 24th!  Last night I experienced rush hour in Zurich and well, what a rush!  Picture rush hour in America except the cars are humans.  People everywhere around you speed walking in different directions catching that bus over there or the tram over here, running to catch the train in HB on time.  It was just the experience I needed, to feel the life of a big city pump adrenalin through me.  In addition I have no idea where I really am or what I'm doing and can't understand anyone, makes for an exciting challenge :]  I am bonding with the girls quite a bit, especially after I bought them looms and taught them how to knit hats.  Other than exploring and hanging out with Anna and Julie I have been carrying out my duties of cleaning and doing laundry almost everyday and making sure there is food in the fridge by stopping by the Denner (corner store across the street).  Bohdanna also helped me buy a day pass transport ticket for the 27th to use to go anywhere I want in Switzerland.  I am excited to explore more of this beautiful country!  I can't decide if I want to flee to somewhere warm like Lugano which is almost in Italy, or somewhere with a lot of art and history like Bern, or check out the Chillon castle in Geneva...  Regardless of where I go, I am happy to go and sit on a train for hours looking out the window, listening to my ipod, and getting lost in the beautiful landscape around me.

Just to give you an idea of what shopping is like in Switzerland....

 And some more pictures

What you see in every vending machine... Pregnancy test, cigarettes, sausage sticks and cannabis tea 

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